Or is it just me?
Having created a new version of the cover for Pike's Quest last week, I printed it out, realised I had made some ridiculous typos, and edited them out. Then, I saved the newly corrected picture under the same name, but I saved it into a different file. Later, I opened up the image from my 'recent' files list and trimmed it down to use as my Twitter and Facebook profile pictures.
So far, so good, except I was so confident in my capabilities that I didn't double check what I had done, and what I had done, was use the incorrect image. So I uploaded the wrong images to Amazon (.co.uk, com, and DE & FR, pretty much the world, really), Smashwords, Goodreads, Twitter and Facebook.
Since then I must have seen that image hundreds of times, but did I notice? Heck, no. Did anyone e-mail and call me a dozy git? No. Did my 14-year-old daughter ridicule me when she looked on line and saw it today? Yes, of course she did. And there was me, already feeling like %!@>~!, what with the sore head, throat and all. I had to change it, and here's why -
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