Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Millions of e-readers sold in 2011

Sales of e-book readers have rocketed in recent months: Amazon allegedly shifted 1 million Kindles per week in the run-up to Christmas. Millions of iPads (over 40 million world-wide) and iPod Touch units have been sold (not to mention the iPhones), each able to use the iBook application. In the UK, WH Smith is selling Kobo devices for under £70.

All you need now is high quality literature to populate your reader, but often, e-books cost as much as a paperback book - a bit of a con, if you ask me. Well you needn't worry: Pike's Quest is still available at 86 pence or 99 cents from Amazon, slightly cheaper from Kobo & WH Smith, and slightly more from iTunes (99 pence in the UK)

What they're saying about Pike's Quest -

Awesome new author! I loved this book! ... a quirky cast of characters that I can just describe as hilarious! ... I seriously blame Mr. Bennett for how tired I am today because I stayed up half the night finishing Pike's Quest!” Reviewer jwitt33   5 STARS

Excellent Read: ... it was a thought provoking page turner with a healthy dose of laugh out loud humour. The author's style bridges the gap between teenage and adult genres in a Harry Potter style.” Reviewer Bun   5 STARS

Escape into another world: I loved this book. At most parts you will feel like you're a bystander to the conversations and scenes that unfold. You're tempted to join and you catch yourself laughing out loud. For anyone who wants a good book to escape into a whole other world AND have a good time, then this book is definitely for you.” Reviwer Andrea Kurian    5 STARS

Couldn’t put it down: What started out as too silly became deliciously silly entertainment that I had to keep on reading. Pike is an excellent hero ...” Reviwer Claire L Hobson  4 STARS


Amazon for Kindle on these links - 
UK - USA - DE - FR - IT - ES
iBooks (UK) - iBooks (US) - Smashwords

Friday, 23 December 2011

I like reviews, especially when they are like this one:

" ... I  am so glad I took a chance on this book and this indie author because this book was terrific!! ... I seriously blame Mr. Bennett for how tired I am today because I stayed up half the night finishing Pike's Quest!"

Other great reviews for Pike's Quest exist on the Amazon UK site. What are you waiting for? Buy it now while it's going at the criminally insane low price!

Amazon for Kindle on these links - 
UK - USA - DE - FR - IT - ES

Also available at

iBooks (UK) - iBooks (US) - Smashwords

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Anyone getting an e-reader for Christmas?

Or an iPod or iPad? Try out Pike's Quest at a silly low price, Get it from Amazon, WHSmith, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Diesel and Smashwords. The worst that can happen is that you spend less than £1, $1 or €1 and don't enjoy it too much. At best you'll love it and write reviews, tell your friends and spread the word on the internet. Not convinced? See what others have said so far. The links below will take you to the vendor of your choice.

Enjoy, and have a very merry Christmas.

Amazon for Kindle on these links - 
UK - USA - DE - FR - IT - ES

Also available at

iBooks (UK) - iBooks (US) - Smashwords

Great value and great fun for all. To read the blurb, click HERE

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Latest Amazon UK review

"What started out as too silly became deliciously silly entertainment that I had to keep on reading. Pike is an excellent hero..."

I must admit to know this reviewer: the fact she gave it 5 stars is a mark of her sincerity.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Cheaper and less fattening than a choccy bar and with a second FIVE STAR review!

Now THIS is high praise:

"The author's style bridges the gap between teenage and adult genres in a Harry Potter style ..."

Read the full review, go on, then be tempted, and part with your 86 pence of 99 cents and buy a copy. It's not a lot of money to risk for your enjoyment, is it?.

See previous post for other outlets.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Widely available

OK everyone, here's the news:
You can now buy Pike's Quest from
From most of these sellers the price is below £1.00 and $1.00, but they do vary.

I was working on a print edition via Create Space, but they don't sell the hard-copies internationally, so I would have print editions in the USA, but not the UK, and it doesn't fit in with my main audience.

Currently I have a wonderful 5 Star review from a stranger, and I know others will soon be posting their reviews: however, sales are not high so far, so please spread the word. I know it's good, those who have read it agree it is good and, although tagged as 'Young Adult' it means nothing - this book is suitable for almost any age.