time to blow my own trumpet and inform you all that my wonderful, fantabulous
and understatedly brilliant book Pike’s Quest is now available in paperback as
well as in Kindle format.
I enthusiastic? Yes. Should you buy a copy? Of course you should: don’t hang
you may have to hang around. Currently it’s available via the CreateSpace e-store - (good if you're in the USA), but
by 6 July it will be available from Amazon UK/US/IT/ES/FR/DE/IT.
view the outrageously good - and again, understated – promo video:
feel free to spread the news, share the video, embed the video on your own
sites, blogs, Facebook pages, etc, and you may consider buying a copy of the book (£6.99 UK, $8.99 US, €7.99) when it’s
available through your friendly neighbourhood Amazon outlet!